Mountainview Animal Hospital

Mission Statement

The Canadian Veterinarian’s Oath

Being admitted into the profession of veterinary medicine, and possessing an unyielding sense of honor, I solemnly swear to my colleagues and to society, that I will use my scientific knowledge and skills for the protection of animal health and welfare, the relief of animal suffering, the promotion of public health and the advancement of veterinary and medical knowledge.

I will practice my profession conscientiously and with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.

I will strive, as a lifelong obligation, to continue to improve my professional knowledge and competence and to maintain the highest moral standards for myself and the profession.

Our Mission Statement

We will treat our clients, the public, veterinary colleagues and our staff with courtesy, respect and professionalism. We will uphold and advance the honor and dignity of the profession and its high standards of ethical conduct.

We will engage in lifelong learning to maintain and improve our professional knowledge, skills and judgment so that we can provide the highest quality of medical and surgical care to our patients. We will encourage open and honest communication with our clients enabling them to make informed, educated and responsible decisions regarding the health and well-being of their pets.

By honoring the Veterinarian’s Oath and our mission statement we will work hard to provide the compassionate veterinary care that will enable you and your pet to share as many quality years together as possible.

CVO Accreditation

The College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO) regulates the practice of veterinary medicine in Ontario to protect the public interest. The CVO is not a school or university. The CVO licenses veterinarians, inspects and accredits veterinary facilities and investigates complaints against veterinarians.

All facilities where veterinary medicine is practiced in Ontario must meet the accreditation standards established by the CVO. All veterinary facilities are inspected periodically to ensure there is the environment and essential equipment required for patient care. Veterinary facilities are inspected for specific equipment requirements; proper patient records; safe drug storage; a medical reference library; and orderly and sanitary premises. Veterinary facilities that meet or exceed the inspection requirements receive a certificate of Accreditation.

Ontario veterinarians demonstrate a commitment to veterinary health care by meeting the accreditation requirements and supporting the inspection program established by the CVO.

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A cat’s tail plays a vital part in the cat’s balance and in the “righting reflex” that allows it to land on its feet after falling from a height.