Mountainview Animal Hospital

Hospital Policies

Consultation by Appointment

Reception phone

Although we welcome your visits, calling ahead for an appointment will allow us to more promptly service your needs. We will schedule appropriate appointment times so we can better listen, understand and address your concerns.

Of course, emergencies will receive top priority; we may from time to time need to adjust our normal appointment schedule to accommodate these.

Hospital Tours

Ever wonder where your pet stays when he or she is with us? We welcome the opportunity to show you our facility and explain our equipment. We would be happy to plan a tour at a convenient time for both of us. Better yet, take a tour of our hospital right now on our web site.

We would also be happy to give group a tour of the clinic or to speak about animal care at your events or in your children’s classroom.

Arriving at Our Hospital

Arriving at Our Hospital - Dog with Leash

For your pet’s own protection we request that you have your dog on a leash and your cat in a carrier while in the hospital. Not all of our patients will socialize well with each other. We are also fearful that nervous pets in the reception area might escape through the front door into the busy parking lot. If you do not have a leash or a carrier, we will be happy to provide you with one.

If your dog is particularly antisocial or nervous, inform our receptionist and she will escort you to an examination room immediately, where you and your pet can wait peacefully and comfortably.

If your pet is coughing or sneezing, he or she may have a contagious infection. Please inform our receptionist upon arrival and she will escort you to an examination room immediately, so other pets won’t be at risk of infection as well.

Cancelled Appointments

We recognize that everyone has very busy schedules and that from time to time you may need to cancel an appointment. Please contact us as soon as you realize that you will not be able to keep your appointment and we will reschedule it for the next most convenient time for you. Early notice will allow us to accommodate another pet owner who may wish to have your cancelled appointment spot.

Missed Appointments

Occasionally someone will miss their appointment. In this case we will endeavour to contact you to reschedule your appointment. We do not charge for missed appointments but we do take note of the occurance. Missed appointments are an inconvenience to everyone, including another pet owner who may have wished to bring their pet in at that time. If we find this to be a frequent problem, we will schedule you on a lower priority basis in the future.

Late For An Appointment

If you know you are going to be late for your appointment please contact us and inform us of your situation. We will, of course, do our best to see you when you arrive, but if you are significantly late the doctor may have begun to see the next scheduled client with their pet. In that case, we can either reschedule your appointment or try to see you between appointments where time permits.

Choosing a Doctor

One advantage of a multiple doctor practice is the opportunity for clients to get to know doctors of different styles and strengths. However, if you wish to see a particular doctor with your pet, please ask for that doctor when booking your appointment and we will do our best to accommodate your request. If your doctor of choice is not available when you need an appointment, you are welcome to see another doctor. And of course, the doctors will be communicating and sharing their thoughts about all our patients so as to make everyone’s care seamless.


When your pet is hospitalized at Mountainview Animal Hospital he or she is closely monitored by our registered veterinary technicians and doctors to ensure his or her comfort, health condition and absence of pain.
dog in hospital bed

Throughout the day we will endeavour to keep you current on your pet’s condition. Of course, you are welcome to call us as well.

Like most veterinary hospitals, we do not schedule staff to remain in the hospital overnight. Any patients that are hospitalized overnight are kept safe and comfortable. If we believe that a patient, due to the severity of their illness, is at risk we will communicate this to you and make the necessary arrangements for 24 hour supervision by having you transfer your pet to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic on Hwy 10.



We understand that when pets are hospitalized, they are missed by their families. In most cases pets respond favourably to visits from their families but these visits must be pre-arranged so as not to disrupt the routine of the hospital.

Discharge Appointments

If your pet has been hospitalized or has had a surgery other than a routine procedure we will schedule a discharge appointment with you on the day your pet is to go home. This appointment will allow us the time to review the diagnostic tests and treatments that have been done, any medications or procedures that you will need to give your pet at home, and answer any questions you may have.

Within a few days of your pet’s discharge from the hospital, we will follow up with you by telephone to ensure that your pet is having a comfortable recovery.

Payments and Fees

In an effort to keep our fees fair, just and reasonable for the quality of service we provide, Mountainview Animal Hospital follows the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association Fee Guide. Furthermore, it is our hospital’s policy to provide you with a written estimate before your pet receives any surgical or major medical treatment and we will make every effort to keep you informed of any changes to this. In return, we ask that all accounts be paid in full at the time of service or upon discharge from the hospital. We provide a variety of payment methods; we gladly accept cash, direct debit card, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Medicard; no cheques please.

Medicard is a financing company that offers a variety of financing terms with convenient monthly payments. They provide financial assistance for veterinary care, dental and cosmetic procedures. For those pet owners that do not have the funds or credit immediately available we suggest Medicard. For further information about Medicard see their website, medicard.

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Catnip can affect lions and tigers as well as house cats. It excites them because it contains a chemical that resembles an excretion of the dominant female’s urine.