Mountainview Animal Hospital

Veterinary Telemedicine During COVID 19

Rest assured, Mountainview Animal Hospital remains open and available to care for your pet.

This COVID 19 Pandemic has been an interesting test of our resiliency and creativity. How can we still take care of our day to day needs and still comply with our societal obligations to fight the spread of this disease? Stay home if at all possible but there are times when this becomes difficult; consider the sick pet who needs veterinary care.

While there is no true substitute for a good physical examination, there are times when the doctor can use videos, pictures and live chat to diagnose and treat certain medical conditions. When possible, and for those who really can’t get their pet to the hospital, we will avail ourselves of this technology.

We are using Google Hangouts as the platform because it works for all Apple, Microsoft, and Android systems.

How Telemedicine Appointments will work:

  • Call our office to book an appointment. Our receptionist will try to ascertain if your pet’s condition might be applicable to Telemedicine.
  • We will need your .gmail address to send you the invitation.
  • We prefer you use your mobile phone rather than your desktop. The doctor will likely ask you to move your phone around your pet to show them what certain body parts look like. This is hard to do with a desk top computer.
  • Prior to your appointment, download and install the free App “Google Hangouts” from your App Store.
  • It will ask you for your Google Account, you do need to have one.
  • It may also ask you for your number and your contacts, you can skip this.
  • At your Telemedicine appointment time, you will receive an invitation from our office

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A cat’s tail held high means happiness, a twitching tail is a warning sign, and a tail tucked in close to the body is a sure sign of insecurity.