Mountainview Animal Hospital

Behaviour Counselling

Often the problem we see with our pets has nothing to do with a physical ailment but it is behavioural. Some behavioural problems can be so serious that they threaten the life of the pet when a frustrated or fearful pet owner can no longer cope with the difficult or aggressive actions of their pet and are considering euthanasia.

Veterinarians are well trained in pet behaviour and are prepared to counsel and teach pet owners on how to treat their pet’s fear, anxiety or aggression based problems. At times medications may even be prescribed as part of the treatment protocol.

Behaviour consultations are booked in 30 minute increments, the first appointment is often one hour long. We usually have pet owners fill out a behaviour questionnaire at home and drop it off several days before the consultation for the doctor to review. If you are having behavioural problems with your pet, call our receptionist to book a behaviour consultation.

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In Lassie Come Home, the first in the series of Lassie films, Lassie licked the face of child star Roddy McDowall because studio prop men had put ice cream on the boy’s cheek.