Mountainview Animal Hospital

Geriatric Wellness

Although your older pet may still be very active and healthy, his or her body has become more susceptible to chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, failing vision and hearing, and a general weakening of the body. Instead of waiting until the appearance of one or more of these diseases, we can choose to be vigilant and to focus on all of the things we can do to make his or her senior years happy, healthy and enjoyable for the both of you.

dog with cane

There is a lot we can do to help pets age well, provided we know what is happening in their bodies. More frequent check ups and simple blood and urine tests will help us keep ahead of the aging process.

We strongly encourage everyone with cats 10 years of age or older, and dogs 8 years and older to schedule a wellness check up. We will give your pet a thorough physical examination, discuss your concerns, and perform a wellness test on a small sample of blood and urine.

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The theobromine in chocolate that stimulates the cardiac and nervous systems is too much for dogs, especially smaller pups. A chocolate bar is poisonous to dogs and can even be lethal.